Friday, November 13, 2015

Bake Sale Gone Wrong

What a mess.  I promised my friend Candice that I would run her bake sale for the Animal Rights advocates today, because she has the flu and was home sick.  I thought it was going to be easy.  I've run tons of bake sales before. But little did I know that everyone involved was going to bring peanut butter baked goods!  Don't they know that we're not allowed to have peanut butter in the front lobby because of all the allergies.  We had all these people coming by only to be disappointed.  The only non-peanut items we had were a bunch of burnt cookies, which


I cried.  "She'll know what to do!"  So I got poor, sick Candice on the phone and she croaked at me to just go to Whole Foods and quickly get a ton of non-peanuty things.  Luckily my friend had a car and we drove there and back in 10 minutes, but still, we lost SO MUCH time when we could have been selling stuff to save the animals.  But at least I've got a ton of peanut butter things to eat!

Today was also my first day of the library job that I'm doing with Joey.  She's such a nerd.  She loves the fact that on our first day, they taught us to use the Dewey Decimal System.  She's already starting to memorize every chart.  Basically, every book in the library has three numbers and three letters.  The three letters are the first three letters of the author's last name.  The numbers are this complicated system of labeling:

I don't know if I'll ever really wrap my head around it, but I'm good at talking about books, so hopefully that'll help me in the job!

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